Last week I ordered a couple of books on gardening with children. I loved one of them, and although the other had tons of eye candy, I thought it was lacking substance. The book Gardening with Children, one of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden All-Region Guides, is a delight cover to cover. Although meant for adults,…
Weekend Plans
Here’s my weekend to-do list, but I don’t hold any great illusions of accomplishing it all. Forecast calls for showers on and off today, t-storms tomorrow, and Sunday is Mother’s Day and a brunch here. Hopefully we’ll get some gardening in later in the day. So, this week’s list: 1] Put up trellis for the…
Cover to Cover
When I get a new gardening book, which given how many I have you would think I would be an expert which is far from true, I have a tendency to read them on a "Need to Know" basis. I flip through them, get a general idea, then settle in to read something I’m…
Lowering your standards
Scully on the couch… using a quilt to clean her paws! I am not what you’d call a housekeeping fanatic… I’m more of a housekeeping moderate. I can live in a certain amount of chaos, I can have numerous stacks spewed around, and I’m not opposed to leaving the kids latest building project in the middle…
Planting the window boxes
Set out to my favorite nursery this morning and loaded up on annuals. Just an aside here… there was a man in the next aisle that was returning a defective product… which was a garden deer and rabbit repellent. The spray nozzle did not work right, and it was leaking all over the place. I…