Lots of progress, sun and fun!
Category: vegetable gardening
Weekend Plans
Here’s my weekend to-do list, but I don’t hold any great illusions of accomplishing it all. Forecast calls for showers on and off today, t-storms tomorrow, and Sunday is Mother’s Day and a brunch here. Hopefully we’ll get some gardening in later in the day. So, this week’s list: 1] Put up trellis for the…
Starting Seeds
Today when Bug, Fairy and Pixie were over we planted our pumpkin, sunflower, gourds, and watermelon seeds in little pots. I was planning on doing it on the back deck but it was very chilly outside so we did it at the dining room table. Hmmm… should I tell you about the floor or can…
Planting the Potato Boxes
After dinner everyone was out in the garden ready to plant the potato seeds. We got 2 varieties from Big Acre. Yukon Gold and Red Nuggets. Fairy and Pixie were all about helping. The girls, especially Fairy, are born gardeners, Bug… not so much so! He looked in on what we were doing but used…
Potato Boxes
Tim and I spent most of the day outside. It was a lovely, sunny day. Temps reached the mid 60s. I started cleaning some of the beds while Tim built the potato boxes I found via One Pretty Thing which she found at Re-Nest which they got from the Seatle Times! Don’t you just love…