I am a novice gardener. I have only been gardening for 25 years! Just enough time to scratch the surface of all there is to know. I must admit I’ve done more flower and landscape gardening than veggies and herbs, but I’ve always been an organic gardener, planting one plant for us and 2 for the animals and bugs! I can’t imagine a lovelier evening than one spent enjoying our gardens after a hard day’s play amongst the plants.
I am a Midwest gardener which means our growing season is short and our dreaming season is long. Gardening is an art… both in growing and designing. Beautifying the gardens is as important to me as what I grow; one feeds my stomach, one feeds my soul! I probably spend ALMOST as much time on bling for the garden as I do gardening itself. That’s just how I am… ever the crafter!
I am often joined in the gardens by my dear, sweet Tim, who never says no, and caters to my latest gardening whims like an indulgent parent. I am The Luckiest… And almost on a daily basis, the grandbabies, Bug, Fairy and Pixie join me; chasing dragonflies, digging holes, and munching on mint and strawberries. My daughter, Michelle, often lends a hand, and we all spend countless hours enjoying the rewards of a well tended garden.
I hope you join us often and share your gardening insights with us. Few things delight a gardener more than sharing her gardens with others. All are welcome!