These will look so much lovelier when the steps are painted tomorrow!
What a lovely first day of "Staycation". (Thanks for reminding me about the term, Tina! It sounds so much more exotic than vacationing at home!) The weather was perfect… about 68 and sunny. We started out with a lovely ham and cheese omelette… already a great day! We then headed out to the organic nursery I just heard about. It’s about 15 miles from the house, with half of it on dirt roads. It was a little bitty nursery, but we met Peter, the owner. Definitely a bit of a hippie type, but in sync with my way of thinking. He carries a wide assortment of heritage tomatoes and peppers. I stocked up! We also got a nice assortment of herbs and, of all things, morning glories.
We then ran a few more errands picking up some potting soil and a few new annuals for my new paint bucket planters. I had just put on the last coat of sealer before we left this morning, so I was able to plant them once we got home. You’ll see the lovelies pictured above. I was going after a funky retro look… very reminiscent of the late 60s. They are definitely tying into the whole "Whoville" thing! As mentioned yesterday, I got the idea from Centsational Girl, but went with a more free flowing design. I made the project much harder than need be. I decided to wrap my handles in blue painting tape so the handles didn’t get covered when spray painting. Well, they didn’t, but it was a bugger removing the tape after… especially in the places the paint covered the tape. I would much rather have lived with a little paint on the handles then go through THAT again! I plan to make a few of these as summer gifts… sans the tape!
A little fix-up was required on our new purple window boxes. The weight of the boxes… they are over 4 feet long, began splitting the wood on the side of one of the boxes. Tim made a few "flying buttresses", adding support to the bottom, and all was well in the world! It’s really cooled off for the evening, but we are beyond the danger of frost, so I’ll sleep well knowing all my plants are safe and sound… at least from the weather!
WOW! They are so cute. Sounds like you’re off to great start on your Staycation. Fun, fun, fun!