Here’s my weekend to-do list, but I don’t hold any great illusions of accomplishing it all. Forecast calls for showers on and off today, t-storms tomorrow, and Sunday is Mother’s Day and a brunch here. Hopefully we’ll get some gardening in later in the day. So, this week’s list:
1] Put up trellis for the hops… which are finally sprouting!
2] Make trellis for watermelons (we have a small climbing variety!) and cukes. Done
3] Plant the Three Sisters in the new pumpkin patch and plant the pumpkins and gourds.
4] Plant broccoli and tomato plants.
5] Plant beans and okra seeds.
6] Clean shade garden and plant new perennials and annuals there. Done
7] Replace a couple of boards on the deck. (We need to re-do our deck… but hopefully that’s a next summer project.) Done
8] Shorten mailbox pole.
So, that’s the plan, short of ruling the world (wink to Tim), weather permitting we’ll get most of it done. Here are some pics of the shade garden as it looks now. Hmmm, we need a more interesting name for that garden. Any ideas?
It’s not time to plant outdoors yet here, so my task list isn’t so large this weekend. We are having friends over tomorrow night though so I need to clean my house! Eek, it’s a mess. And we are heading over to the huge once-a-year warehouse sale at a big plant supplier in the morning. I’m going to try to find some flowering bushes/etc. for some of our more empty beds, and some late bearing strawberries to fill out my berry patch.
Those are good, happy weekend plans! Hooray!
Happy weekend to you, Kimara! 🙂