Front walk planted with perennials and annuals. I’ve decided against having a "Weekend To-Do List". My gardens are suppose to be relaxing and rejuvenating. There is no reason in the world to set myself up for failure! So, in that spirit, I am simply maintaining an on going to-do list in the side column. We’ll…
Month: May 2009
Gardening with Children and A Child’s Garden Book Review
Last week I ordered a couple of books on gardening with children. I loved one of them, and although the other had tons of eye candy, I thought it was lacking substance. The book Gardening with Children, one of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden All-Region Guides, is a delight cover to cover. Although meant for adults,…
Weekend Plans
Here’s my weekend to-do list, but I don’t hold any great illusions of accomplishing it all. Forecast calls for showers on and off today, t-storms tomorrow, and Sunday is Mother’s Day and a brunch here. Hopefully we’ll get some gardening in later in the day. So, this week’s list: 1] Put up trellis for the…
Cover to Cover
When I get a new gardening book, which given how many I have you would think I would be an expert which is far from true, I have a tendency to read them on a "Need to Know" basis. I flip through them, get a general idea, then settle in to read something I’m…
Lowering your standards
Scully on the couch… using a quilt to clean her paws! I am not what you’d call a housekeeping fanatic… I’m more of a housekeeping moderate. I can live in a certain amount of chaos, I can have numerous stacks spewed around, and I’m not opposed to leaving the kids latest building project in the middle…