When I get a new gardening book, which given how many I have you would think I would be an expert which is far from true, I have a tendency to read them on a "Need to Know" basis. I flip through them, get a general idea, then settle in to read something I’m interested in here and now. A couple of days ago I got a new book, Great Garden Companions, and I have to admit I’m treating it like a real page turner. The book is published by Rodale Press, a company well known for it’s organic gardening practices and I’m finding gems every time I turn the page.
Unfortunately, I am a painfully slow reader and I so want all the knowledge in this book NOW! Basically, the author Sally Jean Cunningham shares ways to garden organically using companion planting, soil enhancement, attracting beneficial birds and insects to your garden, and intense planting (similar principle to square foot gardening.) Anyway, she has so many suggestions like planting tomatoes and basil together. The basil helps keep harmful insects away and both are harvested at the same time and there are many yummy recipes combining the 2! (Recipes not included!) There are nifty idea is to grow cover crops, like alfalfa and clover, with your veggies. This provides a natural mulch… green manure… attracts beneficial insects, and creates nitrogen rich soil.
I wish I read this book earlier in the season so I could be applying all her principles now. But, gardens are forever, and if I don’t get to utilize all her lessons this year, there’s always next. On top of tons of good advise, it also is a lovely read by a very down to earth gardener with enough wit to make me smile as I read. I’m LOVING this book!
Thank you for the tomato and basil tip. That’s definitely a gardening book worth having. 🙂