Today when Bug, Fairy and Pixie were over we planted our pumpkin, sunflower, gourds, and watermelon seeds in little pots. I was planning on doing it on the back deck but it was very chilly outside so we did it at the dining room table. Hmmm… should I tell you about the floor or can you imagine? Anyway, they started by filling the little pots with soil, then each one picked out a favorite seed and planted it with their mommy’s help. Bug chose Jack-O-Lanters. Fairy picked watermelons and Pixie picked sunflowers. We are about a week behind my schedule, but what’s a week more or less? Normally, I like to sew the sunflowers directly in the ground, but for the past couple of years some critter has been digging up the seeds and eating them about as fast as we can plant them. Tim had the idea to start them indoors… hopefully removing the temptation for the yummy seeds. By the time the seeds sprout and are ready to be put outside, all fear of frost should be past.
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Wow, you’ve been busy! I don’t check the new blog for a few days and look what I come back to! Well, I guess it is spring. We have been too busy with work and kid activities (baseball, swimming, etc.) to get our gardening done. It is supposed to rain on Saturday, but that is my day available for gardening, so I hope the weather-person is wrong this time. I had heard about those potato boxes but not really looked into them more because DH doesn’t really want to plant potatoes since we have them in abundance from local farmers here in Maine. But, just a 2×2 square might be a fun experiment. We are going to plant sunflowers out in the rough area at the edge of the property this year for the first time. Hopefully, we don’t have similar critter issues!