Tim and I have this nature dichotomy thing going. On one hand we love animals and encourage their residence in our yard. We pay more money monthly for our bird seed and peanuts than we do our cable, and if we had to give up one, the t.v. would go. We established a National Wildlife Federation’s Certified…
Poppy Bench
Like many things in life, the most spectacular and awe inspiring moments in the garden are often short lived. Think of 4th of July fireworks, the dance recital and the emergence of poppies! Developing poppies are at best tolerable, at worst, downright hideous. Everyone who looks at the hairy green flower buds can’t help commenting about their likeness to the…
There is so many things I want to catch up on but I thought I better start with my peonies. We have about 10 peony plants scatter throughout the yard. I absolutely adore the big, bold flowers BUT they just don’t last long enough! Plus, they always bloom during our late spring/early summer storm season,…
Vacation is over
So, vaction is over. It went by too fast and I always miss Tim so much when he goes back to work. We got heaps and tons done… I just didn’t write about anything! The garden has changed so much since my last pictures, plus, I got a new Rebel Digital SLR which I really…
Hops Update
All 8 of our hop plants surfaced and seem to be thriving. Although in full sun, the ones on the north side of the garden took a little longer to sprout. But as you can see by the pics, they are all looking healthy and strong! A couple of them are just about ready to…